- Service

Accounting and Analytics

SelPay is the platform you deserve

Realtime Accounting & Analytics

You can easily view business performance with cost, expense and income statements on the go via the mobile app and see more information on the web, Windows or macOS platforms.

Simplified Accounting System

Allow nothing slip through the crack. Keep track of your income and expenses at a glance. Be able to manage all costs, expenses and income. SelPay has an inbuilt accounting system that helps you calculate cost of products and actual price thereby revealing the profits made off each product, once sale is made.

Simplified Accounting System

User-Friendly Analytics

Easy to use and navigate.

SelPay provides a detailed analytical view of the business. We believe business is a game of numbers and our user-friendly analytics helps you sort that out. View individual and overall store analytics, stock analysis, general analysis, payment channels, expenses, and profits. Generate concise yet comprehensive reports on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. on your business performance; best performing products, payment channel, sales, stores and more. Easily Import and export data from and to your SelPay account easily. You can concentrate on the most crucial information using SelPay to make informed decision to grow your business.

User-Friendly Analytics

Discrepancy Reports

Leave on margin for error, get In-depth discrepancy reports. Gain insights into variations and inconsistencies across products data. Pinpoint discrepancies with precision, from actual product count/in-store and what is available on the system, enabling effective reconciliation and resolution to maintain inventory integrity.

Discrepancy Reports

Billing History & Subscriptions

Easy to use and navigate.

Obtain a comprehensive record of your billing history and subscriptions. Access detailed information about billing details, past transactions, payment activities and subscription plans. Access to retrieve and print past transaction receipts. Stay informed and in control, providing a seamless and transparent experience for your subscription.

Billing History & Subscriptions

Be the first to try out SelPay for free

At SelPay, we have you all covered with our one-stop platform for your online and offline retail business operations, seamless payment with a smart inventory management system.